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Box Lacrosse Pre-Registration Now OPEN!

2021 Box Lacrosse Pre-Registration is now OPEN!

Alright Bellies Family! The time has come to start the box lacrosse registration process for 2021! Please follow this link to TeamSnap to start your registration or click the REGISTRATION tab at the top of the page.

Phase 1 – February 1 to February 28, 2021:

  • During this phase, registration of players will happen via TeamSnap, with a required $25 deposit
    • Why a deposit? When the season was cancelled in 2020, all players received a refund of 100% of their fees. This was a big administration effort with an associated cost. Considering the current state of COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to make any assumptions about the upcoming season, however we are optimistic that we will get on the floor in some manner. This 4-week phase is intended to gauge player interest, while also allowing us time to hear the province’s COVID-19 restriction update scheduled for February 6 and make any required changes to get ourselves ready for the season!
    • If season proceeds, deposit will be applied to registration fees
    • If the season does not proceed, the deposit will be refunded minus a processing fee

More information to follow regarding Phase 2 registration, the next phase will begin on March 1, 2021.

Stay safe and take care,

MinorBellies Admin

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We recognize and acknowledge that we play and gather on the unceded traditional territory of the Halkomelem speaking peoples.


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