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**Deadline Extended to August 16** We Need Your Help with Hume Park Master Plan

Dear Members,

Over the past year, the City of New Westminster has been actively developing a master plan to assess options to upgrade Hume Park. The Hume Park Master Plan will be a 20-year, long term vision that will provide direction to the Parks and Recreation Department by identifying priorities for implementation of improvements. The intent of the plan is to identify community priorities that support current and future uses within the context of preserving ecologically sensitive areas along the Brunette River. [1]

In June, the City conducted an open house where they shared to options for Upper Hume. The first option (referred to as 1A), is a multi-court area that caters to highly flexible users but DOES NOT accommodate regulation sized sports activities. This will replace the existing lacrosse box. Option 1B will replace the outdoor box but with two separate sports courts; each may include opportunities for a variety of activities (i.e. lacrosse, tennis, pickleball, basketball and hockey).

New Westminster Minor Lacrosse Association relies heavily on both the Hume and Moody Park outdoor boxes. We are strongly supporting option 1B. To lose one outdoor would be detrimental to our association and would require us to search for additional space, likely at an impact to our registration fees.

We need your help.

The City of New West is looking for input. Please take their survey by August 16th, 2021 and consider opting for Option 1B. We realize this is not a lot of notice but we only became aware of the survey this week.

During the survey, a free form question that allows you to type in a response will pop up during Option 1B. Please type in “We need an area to play regulation box lacrosse that includes a court with walls”.

Some additional links:

Thank you in advance for your support. Please feel free to share the survey link with friends and family.

Sincerely Yours,

Rich Catton, President, NWMLA

[1] Hume Park Master Plan | Be Heard New West City

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