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NWMLA Update

Dear NWMLA Members

As I am sure you have all heard by now, on Feb.5, 2021, the Ministry of Health and Provincial Health Office (PHO) addressed the current COVID-19 restrictions and announced these restrictions will be extended without a specific deadline date.

We are continuing to actively plan for the 2021 box lacrosse season and are excited to continue the tradition of minor box lacrosse in New Westminster. We are currently in the process of creating contingency plans to address potential changes in viaSport restrictions, and ensure that all our players can play lacrosse in a safe environment.

Phase 2 of our box lacrosse registration will open March 1 through our website ensure that our girls and boys can start their 2021 box season as soon as possible we have secured Queens Park East Turf throughout March. We plan to run clinics and practices for all age groups, so please register your athlete as soon as registration opens March 1 so they do not miss out.

As the COVID-19 situation continues, we will adapt to the PHO restrictions with direction from viaSport.Since the recent announcement did not include any updates to the restrictions related to sports, this means that the following key items remain in place:

  • Lacrosse activities (practices) can occur as per the BCLA Return to Lacrosse Phase 2 Guidelines reverting to Skills & Drills training ONLY.
  • Individuals can travel to their home club for the purpose of sport, while following all restrictions in the current public health order; however, individuals should not carpool with other participants who are not in their household.
  • Participants can only travel to their home club/association.
    Games and tournaments are temporarily suspended.
  • Participants must maintain a physical distance of three metres from one another and do not engage in handshaking, high fives, hugging, etc.
  • Please see province-wide restrictions for sport (latest updated information).
  • Read the full details around what these updates to the Order mean for sport: (viaSport page).
  • The BC Lacrosse Association (BCLA) is planning a town hall meeting for the upcoming box season soon. Once we receive details, we will pass that onto our membership.

Thank you for your patience through this challenging situation. If you have any additional questions, please e-mail me at

Sincerely Yours,

Rich Catton

President NWMLA

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