
Box Lacrosse


Helmet with Face Cage - both CSA approved.
Shoulder/Chest Pads.
Gloves - Hockey gloves are okay, providing they are not too “restrictive” (a lot more hand movement in lacrosse than in hockey).
Athletic Support - Boys must wear a "Jock" with plastic cup. Girls must wear a "Jill".
Mouth guard ("Boil & Byte" are acceptable).
Elbow Pads
Knee Pads (recommended, as outdoor boxes are asphalt). Elastic / Volleyball type are best.
Junior Canadian Lacrosse Stick – you may purchase one from our Equipment Manager (cut to size and re-strung to be game-ready). “Toy” sticks are not suitable for game play or practice development. 



Helmet with Face Cage - both CSA approved.
Shoulder/Chest Pads.
Gloves - Hockey gloves are okay, providing they are not too “restrictive” (a lot more hand movement in lacrosse than in hockey)..
Athletic Support - Boys must wear a "Jock" with plastic cup. Girls must wear a "Jill".
Mouth guard ("Boil & Byte" are acceptable).
Elbow Pads.
Knee Pads (recommended, not mandatory).
Arm slash guards (recommended, not mandatory).
Kidney/rib/back guards (recommended, not mandatory).
Lacrosse Stick with a minimum length of 36 inches. (may purchase from Equipment Manager)


Same as U9, except...

Arm slash guards required
Strongly recommend “bicep pads” to be attached to shoulder pads. Checking is introduced, and bicep pads eliminate most “pain”, which otherwise may turn some players off.
Kidney/rib/back slash guards (mandatory).


Same as U11.

Bicep Pads are considered mandatory by most Coaches.


Same as U13 except minimum stick length is 40 inches.


Same as U15.


For a pictoral view of a player wearing appropriate equipment see:

Your Coach will also be able to assist you in identifying equipment needs.

For further information on equipment needs as well as recommendations on where to buy equipment for your child, please contact our equipment manager at

Please see for information on our equipment rental program.

Although there are numerous local businesses that sell lacrosse equipment see this link for a great explanation of the equipment needed.